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[Rezolvat] Ajutor !!! nu pot schimba nimic din Home text editor !!!

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Salutare prieteni, cind intru in modulul home text editor nu pot schimba nimic, nici macar imaginea de pe prima pagina a siteului, cind incarc imaginea si apas pe update imi scire "Unable to update the editor file.
Please check the editor file's writing permissions. " ce sa fac? unde anume trebuie sa fac permisiunea asta la fisier? stept raspuns, ms. am atasat si o imagine cu problema.


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seteaza permisiuni de scriere prin FTP asa cum scrie aici:

While you have your FTP connected to your Web hosting server, make sure the following PrestaShop folders have ‘write’ permissions (also known as “CHMOD 777” – explanation of file permissions here) but do not apply these permissions recursively (to their subfolders): /config, /upload, /download, /tools/smarty/compile. Then make sure the following folders have ‘write’ permissions and apply these permissions recursively (to their subfolders): /img, /mails, /modules, /themes/prestashop/lang, /translations

sursa: http://www.prestashop.com/wiki/Installing_And_Updating_PrestaShop_Software

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