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P.S. PHP mail() is missing


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Hello everyone,

I have a problem with a store that I am building with P.S.

I wanted to configure sending emails from the site, but I noticed that in this version there is no longer the possibility of using PHP mail().

Up to version installed on other sites, I had found PHP mail().

Now, as a replacement I find: Use /usr/sbin/sendmail (recommended: it works most of the time).

Unfortunately I do not have the possibility of using sendmail because it is not supported by my server.

To be able to use SMTP my provider forces me to purchase an additional service.
The only solution would therefore be to be able to use PHP mail().
Do you think there is the possibility of implementing PHP mail() in version

According to my provider it would be necessary to search for and install an additional module that would allow implementing PHP mail() on version

I tried to search for it both on addons and online but I didn't find anything.

Could someone tell me how to solve this problem?

I thank you for the help you can give me

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Ciao Julien,
grazie per la tua risposta.
Non sono uno sviluppatore, ma vorrei davvero riuscire a risolvere questo problema, perché ho bisogno di mettere online il mio sito il prima possibile.
Ho dato un'occhiata alla pagina che hai indicato, ma non sono riuscito a trovare un modo per risolvere questo problema.
Ti sarei molto grato se potessi indicarmi il percorso del file da modificare e quale dovrebbe essere la modifica da apportare.
Grazie ancora e buona giornata

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Using the mail() function is not recommended as it does not ensure high deliverability of emails. I suggest to use sending via smtp server, you can use for example gmail mailbox. Here is the tutorial - https://help-center.prestashop.com/en/articles/11094179575698-send-emails-via-smtp-from-your-gmail-account, no extra service should be needed from your hosting provider.


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