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Rewrite problem with PS 1.7

Allan Frost

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Hi all

I have added the products main category in the url structure on my ps 1.7 store.
It looks like all is working fine, exept the rewrite from the old url.

If I type in the old url it will redirect to the new url, as it should. But it adds "?category_rewrite=" to the url.

It look like this.
Old url: shop.com/produkt
New url: shop.com/category/product?category_rewrite=product

The canonical tag then gives the correct url: shop.com/category/product

Anyone knows how to remowe the ?category_rewrite=product

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Create an override for the Dispatcher class or the specific controller that handles product and category URLs. This is usually found in controllers/front/CategoryController.php
class CategoryController extends CategoryControllerCore
public function init()

// Check for the category_rewrite parameter and remove it if present
if (isset($_GET['category_rewrite'])) {
$url = preg_replace('/\?category_rewrite=.*/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
Tools::redirect($url, __PS_BASE_URI__);

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