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(Prestashop Product zoom isn't working properly (darken screen, can't (x) close or ESC exit)


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Gentlemen, good afternoon.

Would someone help me finding the problem that, unfortunately, disables my zoom function on my page?
Already tried another zoom module, caused other conflict. Chrome Console only accuses 3 errors that seems not to be connected with my problem, i guess.



My page url: https://loja.lunasensacoes.com.br/

As the title says, it's a Prestashop store, and the product zoom isn't working properly (darken screen, can't (x) close or ESC exit).image.thumb.png.69b81f04cc42b131f2825a677e54c2ac.png


Looked all around, tried Copilot and ChatGPT, forums and many options, no success.

Could someone help me? Please.

Thanks in advance.

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It works fine on msedge windows 11 (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/ It might be a browser issue/css webkit issue

Recording 2024-08-25 181252.gif

Edited by coledey
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The actual problem is the transform property set on the #wrapper element.

As you can see below, disabling it will display the content of the modal on top of everything, while the backdrop will still be on top of the other elements.


Screenshot 2024-08-28 122952.png

Edited by Andrei H (see edit history)
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