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Phone number fixed length (v1.7.6.9)


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I would like to limit the client phone number to a minim of 10 digits when they place an order or create an account. I found something about this topic here but(in the link below) it's from 2017 so i was wondering if this is still valid. I am not a programmer but i would think that limiting to a minimum amount of characters in the phone number field would be implemented in the theme or back-office by now because it causes a lot of problems when contacting someone who misspelled their email for example and since we sell food products, time is important.

So can anyone help me out with this?



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This solution is still valid, and you can implement it. If you want a minimum of 10 characters, you need to replace the function with:

public static function isPhoneNumber($number){
    return preg_match('/^[+0-9. ()-]*$/', $number) && strlen($number) > 10;

You can replace ">" with "<" or "==" for an exact string length.

Have a nice day,


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To validate the phone number to be atleast 10 digit numbers, you need to modify the isPhoneNumber() function present at the below path-

Use below code for the function-

public static function isPhoneNumber($number)
if (empty($number)) {
return false;

$digitsOnly = preg_replace('/\D/', '', $number);

if (strlen($digitsOnly) < 10) {
return false;

// The original phone number validation logic
return preg_match('/^[+0-9. ()-]*$/', $number);


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Thank you both for the reply.

I was away, so i couldn't answer quicker. Before i test this, i have another question, will this affect anything else like the phone numbers that are already saved in PrestaShop? My concerns are with the existing data. I usually avoid manipulating the core files because most of the time it comes with other headaches. But as far as I researched, and it seems you also confirmed, this is not possible in back-office. 

So the question remains, did anyone encounter problems after implementing this? I'm guessing limiting phone numbers or adding a minimum length requirement is not all that uncommon.


Thank you again for the help so fare.

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Modifying the phone validation to require a minimum of 10 digits won't affect existing phone numbers but will block updates to those with fewer than 10 digits.

It's safer to implement this change via a module or override rather than directly modifying core files to avoid issues with future updates or other dependencies.
Test thoroughly before applying the change to your live environment.


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