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Conflict between Tax Rules and Specific prices

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I just realised that any product with a discount price applied does not display the price properly if it's for a customer with a different tax rule than standard.

For example for a customer in Peninsula of Spain where VAT is 21% and including this tax in the following example:

450€ (21% tax included)  Tv with a specific discount price of 175,02€ ( tax included) displays a purchase price of 274,98€

Now if I log as a customer from the canary island where we have to tax at 0% rate the 274,98€ tv product displays as 196,88€ instead of the 227,26€ I am expecting to see.

The way prestashop displays this wrong pricing is because it calcutes it as follows:

450€ - 21% vat = 371,90€ - 175,02 discount price tax included = 196,88€

instead of deducting the net discount amount from the net rrp:

371,90€ ( 450€ / 1,21 ) - 144,64€ ( 175,02€ / 1,21 ) = 227,26€

Is anyway to fix or reconfigure this to avoid displaying all the web with wrong prices and loose money?

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