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Help with finding where title block text would be located


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I am using a theme called CÖUTURE for my website and the theme name is popping up in various parts on the website such as here in the featured product section. 

Where would i go about finding where this text is located? 

Can i use inspect in chrome to find location? 



Help text.jpg

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13 hours ago, Prestashop Addict said:

May be in themes/couture/modules/ps_categoryproducts/views/templates/hook/ps_categoryproducts.tpl

Thanks for the reply, After looking further i contacted the theme support as this text is everywhere not just on the product page so have got them to investigate as its on featured products, popular products, blog page, footer, in products, in categories everywhere so bit of a pain will get them to do it all. 

Thanks for the help and time reading the post though greatly appreciated :)

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