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Looking for a sagepay module for PS 8.1

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4 hours ago, pepperoni said:

I've upgraded to PS 8.1, this module is not supported now and I'm looking for a new one.

Can't the developer update that module? You could set a developer onto it updating the module., @Yelish can do that for you.
You could also go VPS, Dedicated server and leave the update circus. Thus maintaining the necessary Prestashop and PHP Version you need.

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9 minutes ago, Nickz said:

Can't the developer update that module? You could set a developer onto it updating the module., @Yelish can do that for you.
You could also go VPS, Dedicated server and leave the update circus. Thus maintaining the necessary Prestashop and PHP Version you need.

I talked to them and they were not sure if they will update it.

I am already using VPS but I'm not I understand how is this helping. If the module is written for php 5.x and it;s breaking in php 8.x then not much I can do.

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1 hour ago, pepperoni said:

If the module is written for php 5.x and it;s breaking in php 8.x then not much I can do.

You could set a developer onto him updating the module., @Yelish can do that for you.

so you updated your shop regardless of your module?

I suggest that you set everthing up on your VPS so that you can use your shop for several years. Prepare for a all new shop or befter for an additional 2nd shop.


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2 hours ago, Nickz said:

You could set a developer onto him updating the module., @Yelish can do that for you.

so you updated your shop regardless of your module?

I suggest that you set everthing up on your VPS so that you can use your shop for several years. Prepare for a all new shop or befter for an additional 2nd shop.


I dont understand how you can force someone to update a module.

I'm preparing the new shop, is not live yet, it's just on dev mode, so the old site is still up and running for customers.

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On 3/8/2024 at 5:18 PM, pepperoni said:

Hi guys,

I'm looking for module for sagepay/opayo. I have been using this module here https://www.sellxed.com/shop/en/prestashop-sage-pay-zahlungs-modul.html and it was fine but since I've upgraded to PS 8.1, this module is not supported now and I'm looking for a new one.

Can anyone recommend one please?


thank you

Contact me and provide the necessary testing information, and I can try to provide you with 8.1 module upgrade services.

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  • 3 months later...
18 hours ago, Brighteyes said:

Hi, did you find a solution to this? It's seems that there's no Sagepay/Opayo modules out there that support the latest Protocol 4?

I have used the latest version which doesn't support version 8.x but I tried to change things myself and make it work. I have been successful so far, but yesterday there was a problem when trying to produce pdf invoices. I think I have found a solution to this, it's probably because of php version 8.

In general it's working but it's not easy to support the module since I have not designed it.

I have sent another email to them yesterday to ask for support and a version compatible to prestashop v8.x. I'm encouraging you to do the same as, to my knowledge,  there's no other module that works with Sagepay/Opayo.

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Thanks for getting back.

It is crazy that no-one has created a module for this. I've messaged the developer of the one Opayo module on Prestashop Addons and also these guys  https://www.myprestastore.com/downloads/module-prestashop-opayo/ who don't currently support PS1.8. I've also messaged Opayo who have said there's a deadline of January 2025 so hopefully a module will be ready by then!

I've noticed the one from your initial link has been discontinued btw.

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36 minutes ago, Brighteyes said:

Thanks for getting back.

It is crazy that no-one has created a module for this. I've messaged the developer of the one Opayo module on Prestashop Addons and also these guys  https://www.myprestastore.com/downloads/module-prestashop-opayo/ who don't currently support PS1.8. I've also messaged Opayo who have said there's a deadline of January 2025 so hopefully a module will be ready by then!

I've noticed the one from your initial link has been discontinued btw.

Ah thanks for pointing out they have discontinued the module. I talked to them a few months ago while we were using prestashop v1.7 and asked for support for v8 and they were sceptical updating the module. I guess they decided to stop it.

That is great news from Opayo though. So are they designing their own module for prestashop? Have you got any relevant links that I could follow for updates?

Thank you

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3 minutes ago, Brighteyes said:

No worries, Oh and no sorry, I meant Opyao have given a deadline of January 2025 until they stop transactions not using the new protocol. In their words "I would also keep in mind that the deadline is on 31/01/25. "

Ah I see, thank you for the clarification.

I have managed to change the new protocols URLs. It was easy at the end.

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  • 1 month later...
6 minutes ago, katicziv said:

Hi can you share with us what did you do? How you upadate IS/DNS ?

Hey katicziv,

I have search the file for the old URL string and replaced it with the new ones that I got sent by opayo tech guys. It was some time ago and can't remember the file.
But at the end, there were still problems with visitors paying, so we had to change payment provider. We left sagepay/opayo and went with stripe. So easy now!

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/10/2024 at 4:40 PM, Brighteyes said:

Thanks for getting back.

It is crazy that no-one has created a module for this. I've messaged the developer of the one Opayo module on Prestashop Addons and also these guys  https://www.myprestastore.com/downloads/module-prestashop-opayo/ who don't currently support PS1.8. I've also messaged Opayo who have said there's a deadline of January 2025 so hopefully a module will be ready by then!

I've noticed the one from your initial link has been discontinued btw.

the module opayo is full compatible with PS 1.8 and The next PS 9 https://www.myprestastore.com/downloads/module-prestashop-opayo/ 

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