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Favicon suddenly dissapeared from my google ads - Presta 1.7.8

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Hi there,

I just realised that my logo favicon dissapeared from my google ads. I upgraded presta to 1.7.8 and purchased warehouse theme. The favicon still located in the file


with a measure of 32x32 and it is properly configured in


is anybody experiencing the same problem. It is weird because I ended up making a seotest at seositecheckup .com and got the following warning ( I can't click "how to fix" without registering )


Have any of you experienced the same problem? How can I solve it?

Thanks a lot,


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just to give an extra piece of info. It seems like the problem is not always happening, since I have made several searches and in some of them the logo some times displays


but it is strange the fact that the supposed favicon is not really the favicon configured in my admin, but the header logo ( logo de cabecera ). I don't understand why seositecheckup is telling me my web doesnt have a favicon, since it is saved in my config.




Edited by JohnPalomo (see edit history)
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