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[MODULE] PrestaProtect Captcha+ / malware scanner / block bots V3.0 - PS 1.4/1.7


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Has your site been hacked or compromised? Tired of hundreds of spam emails arriving through your forms? Our module is the solution you were looking for

Solve the latest secuurity hacks in your PrestaShop Store



Tired of getting hundreds of spam emails through your forms? PrestaProtect adds a captcha in slide form without needing to edit your template, scan for malware on your site, and many more options !!!

The purpose of Captcha is that you can configure it wherever you want to display it (login form, contact form, etc.), and the module will automatically add the jQuery code to display the captcha. The best part, is that you do not need to modify any tpl of your template to make it work.
The module allows you to configure the colors, animations, size, shadows, and more of the captcha.

In addition, the module includes more options to protect your site :

Malware scanner : Create a cron job to check your site for malicious code and get an alert in your email
Block IP : Block a single IP or multiple IPs to prevent them from accessing your site.
Block the bad user agent: Block known bad sites to prevent them from accessing your PrestaShop store and thus, prevent attacks.
Hotlink : This option disables the viewing of images from other sites. This means that no one can link their images directly and in this way, save bandwidth and prevent people from using their images directly.
Disable right clickAnd selection: This simply disables the selection by right-clicking and prevents users from copying their text directly
Tpl protection : This option changes your TPL file permissions to prevent its direct download
Disable clipboard : This simply shows a blank screen when someone tries to capture the page with the PrintScreen key
Protection of the module Send to a friend : Avoid bots to send emails of this module key PrintScreen

Features :

  • Slide the captcha
  • Easy to use
  • Fully configurable
  • Tpl / code protection
  • Use in multiple forms
  • Malware scanner and shell scanner
  • Block IP
  • Block of bad user agents
  • Cross browser
  • Multilingual



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