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Checkout: empty basket and logged off (cookie problem?)


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The bug described in the title affects some customers and not all. After research I think that the problem comes from the size of the cookies which grow too quickly after each product page visited. I read that if the size of the cookies exceeds 4000, bugs start to appear.
Each visit to a product page increases the size of the cookie by about 30. My question is: how to make the main cookie size not increase so quickly ?


Edited by raypenbar
not solved (see edit history)
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17 hours ago, stifler97 said:


This is an interesting topic and I would like to know the workaround.

I desactivated the module "Cross Selling Pro - Upsell..." and the Prestashop cookie grows three times slower now.

I hope it will solve problems..

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  • raypenbar changed the title to Checkout: empty basket and logged off (cookie problem?)

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