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How to deal with wanting final prices to be round numbers

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When I set up my site I set products to have a final price in whole numbers of pounds. I set tax included and tax excluded to be the same and everything seemed to display OK. It seemed logical at the time to say that UK tax at 20% was the tax rule. For some reason I now can't remember the second batch of products were set to be no tax - possibly because I was worrying about where a tax rule might change a price.

We launched the site in a bit of a rush before Christmas and struggled with several things to do with tax labels. We found out how to fix the problem of the wrong label appearing in the cart by editing cart-detailed-totals.tpl and changing Tax 'inc./excl.' label to NO in the Legal compliance module.

The next time problems became apparent was when I tried to sort by price. I have ties at £10 and new ties at £11.50. The £11.50 ties that were set to be Tax at 20% were appearing amongst the £10 ties so I assume the code that calculates the price in order to do the sorting is applying the tax rule, making the tie appear cheaper than the displayed price.

I could set all of them to be no tax but I'd prefer to be sure that I am now setting things up sensible before I start changing everything.

Incidentally, in searching around the topic of taxes I found a question about  what appears on the invoice and noticed that my invoices are showing Total(Tax excl.) which is not correct!

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