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Attach credit slip as PDF to customer's email 1.7.8


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Hi everyone! 

I use PS 1.7.8 and figured out that there is no option to attach credit slip as PDF to customer's email. I believe that it is necessary to make changes to the AdminOrdersController.php on line 759 and 1022, as it was mentioned here:

Can anyone suggest how this can be implemented?
Thanks in advance. Here is the code:

Line 759:

                        if (!OrderSlip::create(
                            (Tools::getValue('TaxMethod') ? false : true)
                        )) {
                            $this->errors[] = $this->trans('You cannot generate a partial credit slip.', array(), 'Admin.Orderscustomers.Notification');
                        } else {
                            Hook::exec('actionOrderSlipAdd', array('order' => $order, 'productList' => $order_detail_list, 'qtyList' => $full_quantity_list), null, false, true, false, $order->id_shop);
                            $customer = new Customer((int) ($order->id_customer));
                            $params['{lastname}'] = $customer->lastname;
                            $params['{firstname}'] = $customer->firstname;
                            $params['{id_order}'] = $order->id;
                            $params['{order_name}'] = $order->getUniqReference();
                            $orderLanguage = new Language((int) $order->id_lang);
                                (int) $order->id_lang,
                                    'New credit slip regarding your order',
                                $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname,
                                (int) $order->id_shop


Line 1023:

                        // Generate credit slip
                        if (Tools::isSubmit('generateCreditSlip') && !count($this->errors)) {
                            $product_list = array();
                            $amount = $order_detail->unit_price_tax_incl * $full_quantity_list[$id_order_detail];

                            $choosen = false;
                            if ((int) Tools::getValue('refund_total_voucher_off') == 1) {
                                $amount -= $voucher = (float) Tools::getValue('order_discount_price');
                            } elseif ((int) Tools::getValue('refund_total_voucher_off') == 2) {
                                $choosen = true;
                                $amount = $voucher = (float) Tools::getValue('refund_total_voucher_choose');
                            foreach ($full_product_list as $id_order_detail) {
                                $order_detail = new OrderDetail((int) $id_order_detail);
                                $product_list[$id_order_detail] = array(
                                    'id_order_detail' => $id_order_detail,
                                    'quantity' => $full_quantity_list[$id_order_detail],
                                    'unit_price' => $order_detail->unit_price_tax_excl,
                                    'amount' => isset($amount) ? $amount : $order_detail->unit_price_tax_incl * $full_quantity_list[$id_order_detail],

                            $shipping = Tools::isSubmit('shippingBack') ? null : false;

                            if (!OrderSlip::create($order, $product_list, $shipping, $voucher, $choosen)) {
                                $this->errors[] = $this->trans('A credit slip cannot be generated.', array(), 'Admin.Orderscustomers.Notification');
                            } else {
                                Hook::exec('actionOrderSlipAdd', array('order' => $order, 'productList' => $full_product_list, 'qtyList' => $full_quantity_list), null, false, true, false, $order->id_shop);
                                $orderLanguage = new Language((int) $order->id_lang);
                                    (int) $order->id_lang,
                                        'New credit slip regarding your order',
                                    $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname,
                                    (int) $order->id_shop
Edited by jivemoj473
Added PS version to the title (see edit history)
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  • jivemoj473 changed the title to Attach credit slip as PDF to customer's email 1.7.8
  • 8 months later...

PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Order\Refund\OrderSlipCreator LIGNE 27

namespace PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Order\Refund;
use PDF;
use Address;
use Carrier;
use Currency;
use Customer;
use Context;
use Db;
use Hook;
use Mail;
use Order;
use OrderDetail;
use OrderSlip;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\ConfigurationInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Order\Exception\InvalidCancelProductException;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Order\Exception\OrderException;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Order\VoucherRefundType;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\ContextStateManager;
use PrestaShopDatabaseException;
use PrestaShopException;
use StockAvailable;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface;
use TaxCalculator;
use TaxManagerFactory;
use Tools


PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Order\Refund\OrderSlipCreator LIGNE 80

public function create(
        Order $order,
        OrderRefundSummary $orderRefundSummary
    ) {
        if ($orderRefundSummary->getRefundedAmount() > 0) {
            $orderSlipCreated = $this->createOrderSlip(

            if (!$orderSlipCreated) {
                throw new OrderException('You cannot generate a partial credit slip.');

            $fullQuantityList = array_map(function ($orderDetail) { return $orderDetail['quantity']; }, $orderRefundSummary->getProductRefunds());
            Hook::exec('actionOrderSlipAdd', [
                'order' => $order,
                'productList' => $orderRefundSummary->getProductRefunds(),
                'qtyList' => $fullQuantityList,
            ], null, false, true, false, $order->id_shop);
            // Join PDF Avoir NESSRINE
            $order_detail_list = $orderRefundSummary->getProductRefunds();
            Hook::exec('actionOrderSlipAdd', array('order' => $order, 'productList' => $order_detail_list, 'qtyList' => $fullQuantityList), null, false, true, false, $order->id_shop);
            // Get id_order_slip based on customer ID and Order ID
            $orderSlipTemp = OrderSlip::getOrdersSlip((int)($order->id_customer), (int)($order->id), true);
            // Create objects and PDF
            $orderSlip = new OrderSlip((int) ($orderSlipTemp[0]['id_order_slip']));
            $orderNew = new Order((int)$orderSlip->id_order);
            $orderNew->products = OrderSlip::getOrdersSlipProducts($orderSlip->id, $orderNew);
            $pdf = new PDF($orderSlip, PDF::TEMPLATE_ORDER_SLIP, Context::getContext()->smarty);
            $file_attachement['content'] = $pdf->render(false);
            $file_attachement['name'] = $pdf->filename;
            $file_attachement['mime'] = 'application/pdf';
            $customer = new Customer((int) $order->id_customer);

            // @todo: use private method to send mail
            $params = [
                '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname,
                '{firstname}' => $customer->firstname,
                '{id_order}' => $order->id,
                '{order_name}' => $order->getUniqReference(),
                '{credit-slip-amount}' => $orderRefundSummary->getRefundedAmount(),

            $orderLanguage = $order->getAssociatedLanguage();

            // @todo: use a dedicated Mail class (see #13945)
            // @todo: remove this @and have a proper error handling
                (int) $orderLanguage->getId(),
                    'New credit slip regarding your order',
                $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname,
                (int) $order->id_shop

            /** @var OrderDetail $orderDetail */
            foreach ($orderRefundSummary->getOrderDetails() as $orderDetail) {
                if ($this->configuration->get('PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT')) {
        } else {
            throw new InvalidCancelProductException(InvalidCancelProductException::INVALID_AMOUNT);

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  • 8 months later...

@ben chagra Thank you, its working like a charm. 

use PDF;
use Context;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\ContextStateManager;

Remember to initiate the above classes and then the below code after actionOrderSlipAdd hook

// Join PDF Avoir NESSRINE

$order_detail_list = $orderRefundSummary->getProductRefunds();

Hook::exec('actionOrderSlipAdd', array('order' => $order, 'productList' => $order_detail_list, 'qtyList' => $fullQuantityList), null, false, true, false, $order->id_shop);

// Get id_order_slip based on customer ID and Order ID

$orderSlipTemp = OrderSlip::getOrdersSlip((int)($order->id_customer), (int)($order->id), true);

// Create objects and PDF

$orderSlip = new OrderSlip((int) ($orderSlipTemp[0]['id_order_slip']));

$orderNew = new Order((int)$orderSlip->id_order);

$orderNew->products = OrderSlip::getOrdersSlipProducts($orderSlip->id, $orderNew);

$pdf = new PDF($orderSlip, PDF::TEMPLATE_ORDER_SLIP, Context::getContext()->smarty);

$file_attachement['content'] = $pdf->render(false);

$file_attachement['name'] = $pdf->filename;

$file_attachement['mime'] = 'application/pdf';

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