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Get product discount on CMS page.

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I am using version of PrestaShop. I have created a CMS page, and I have created a template in the path /themes/classic/templates/cms/ to be able to display fully personalized content.

So far, so good. In a section of the page, I want to display products from a certain category.

I have achieved this without problems using the following code:

{assign var="products" value=Product::getProducts(1, 0, 6, 'id_product', 'DESC', 11, true)}
{foreach $products as $product}
  <div class="product-description">
      <h3 class="h3 product-title">
          <a href="{Context::getContext()->link->getProductLink( $product.id_product )}" content="{Context::getContext()->link->getProductLink($product.id_product )}">{$product.name}

The loop works and the products are displayed. My problem is that I can't show the discounts of the products. I have tried various solutions based on other system TPLs, but I can't get the product discount.

{if $product.has_discount}
	{if $product.discount_type === 'percentage'}
		<span class="discount-percentage discount-product">{l s='Save %percentage%' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog' sprintf=['%percentage%' => $product.discount_percentage_absolute]}</span>
    	<span class="discount discount-amount"> {l s='Save %amount%' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog' sprintf=['%amount%' => $product.discount_to_display]}</span>
	<span class="price" aria-label="Precio">{$product.price|ceil}&nbsp;€</span>


But the non-discounted price is always displayed, even on products that have it.

How can I check if a product has a discount or specific prices, and then show it if so?

Thank you very much in advance.

Edited by Kelsier (see edit history)
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I have ended up making a module, with a hook, which I call from a tpl. The hook works perfectly, it collects the products of the category, with all the information, including the specific prices. But I still have a problem, I can't get the variable to be passed to the tpl.


I am using the smarty->assing method but it doesn't work, in the tpl the variable returns null.


This is the code of my hook.

        if (array_key_exists('max', $params)) {
            $max = $params['max'];
            $max = 1000;

        $category = new Category(
            $params['id_category'], //id de la categoría
            (int)Context::getContext()->language->id // id del idioma
        $caronteProducts = $category->getProducts(
            (int)Context::getContext()->language->id, //id lenguaje
             1, //número de páginas
             $max, //productos por páginas
             'date_add', //order by
             'DESC', //order way
             false, //get total
             true, //mostrar activos
             false, // random
             1, // random_number_products
             true, //check access
             Context::getContext() //context
        $this->context->smarty->assign('caronteProducts', $caronteProducts);
        return $caronteProducts;

And so, that's how I call it from the tpl.

      {hook h="displayCaronteCategories" id_category=11}

However, when doing the var_dump from the tpl, the variable returns Null. From the hook the variable shows all the information.


Any help please?


Edited by Kelsier (see edit history)
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Can you please create a template file inside your module's folder and call it instead of returning the object you just created? (return $caronteProducts)


return $this->display(__FILE__, 'file.tpl');


Then try to var_dump the object from your newly created template file. If you hooked your module to "displayCaronteCategories" and it's correctly registered you should get a result, unless your object does not contain data.


Let me know

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Thank you very much for your answer, I have tried registering the TPL from the hook. 

My problem is that I call the hook from a tpl assigned to a CMS. Like this:

{hook h="displayCaronteCategories" id_category=11}

If I call the hook from the tpl, and then from the hook I tell it to show the tpl again, it will show the content incorrectly, it can even loop with itself right?

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That's how modules work after all. You call your hook from a theme template file, then your module calls its own template file. At any rate, correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't assign a smarty variable inside a module, and then use it in a theme template file outside your module, because you've assigned that variable inside a method/function, and you can only use it if you make an instance of the class (yourModule class). If storing a loop inside your object/variable is all your module does, you're safe removing your "Return $caronteProducts" line and adding  return $this->display(__FILE__, 'file.tpl'); it should not make an infinite loop.


If you feel safe doing so, please share your module main php file and I'll take a look



Edited by Luis C (see edit history)
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