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Taken ownership of Prestashop but struggling with changing text, please help!

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Hello people,

I've recently taken over this website www.engraveexpress.co.uk. There is a block of text I cannot edit via the modules and fed up asking my developer to keep updating it. It's the text at the top of the homepage currently showing "OPEN for Enquiries & Telephone Orders Mon-Sat 12-7 pm ALL PRICES INCLUSIVE". Can anyone talk me through how to change this?

Also, the green text, on the menu, how can this be changed to match the theme colours of black or orange?

Many thanks in advance.


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If the text is not part of a module it will be hard-coded in your template (child)-theme files and can be changed there (cache reset might be required after).

Layout stuff like the menu color can be adjusted in your themes custom.css file or sometimes the theme has a special configuration module


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You now have to go to the public_html folder.
In there, there'll be a /themes folder. 
Inside that folder you must then select to theme used on your shop.

Once you're there there'll be a .tpl file that needs editing.
Most likely once named header.tpl

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49 minutes ago, paulcornwall said:

location of the html for the menu text (currently 'green')?

As said to make it green you should change its text in yout themes customs.css (in theme/assets/css folder)

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As JBW described above.

In that file you need to change the following css rule:

.cbp-horizontal > ul > li > a, .cbp-horizontal > ul > li > span.cbp-main-link {
    color: #4CAF50;
    line-height: 45px;
    padding-left: 10px;
    max-width: 400px;
    padding-right: 10px;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    font-size: 15px;
    border-left: 1px none #cecece;


To change the orange box message at the top I think this needs changing in header.tpl

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