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Delete previous prestashop images


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Well, what I need is a script to delete images from old prestashop, specifically those with the thickbox name that PS 1.7 does not use. I already deleted redundant images with a script that I saw on the forum, but those images are not taken, does anyone know how I could achieve it?

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include_once( './config/config.inc.php');

$images = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT id_image FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'image');

foreach ($images as $image){
    $folders = str_split((string)$image['id_image']);
    $image_path = _PS_IMAGE_DIR_.'p/'.implode('/', $folders).'/'.$image['id_image'].'-thickbox.jpg';
/* ./img/p/1/1/1/1/1111-thickbox.jpg */

    if (file_exists($image_path)){


Edited by knacky (see edit history)
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Hello thanks for answering, answering the first post the image has the name of its code I think and its size 11111-thickbox_default.jpg...

I found another way to delete it, regenerating product images and choosing the option all at once, not doing it one by one, that is, first cart defaul, then home_defaul... because that way it doesn't delete them, but choosing products and all and In my case, I deactivated the high-quality images option, it deleted all of them and regenerated only the ones that I have active on my page. Still thank you very much for the script I will try it locally to see how it works.
I paste the redundant image code that I think I got from this forum.



// root path of the shop, almost no one needs to change something here.
$shop_root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/mirelojeria/"; // need to have slash / at the end
$image_folder = 'img/p/'; // also needs slash at the ennd
$scan_dir = $shop_root.$image_folder;

include $shop_root . 'config/settings.inc.php';

$last_id = (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue('
	SELECT id_image FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'image ORDER BY id_image DESC

$counted_images = Db::getInstance()->executeS('
	SELECT count(*) as qnt FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'image
$counted_images = (int)$counted_images[0]['qnt'];

echo 'Aquí habia '.$last_id.' imágenes en la base de datos, pero ahora solo se usan '.$counted_images.' Veamos cuántos de ellos están consumiendo nuestro almacenamiento sin ninguna razón..<br>';

//$limit = 300; // for testing
$limit = $last_id; // for production

$removed_images = 0;

for ($i=1; $i <= $limit; $i++) {
	if (!imageExistsInDB($i)){
		$imageDir = str_split($i);
		$imageDir = implode('/', $imageDir);
		$path = $scan_dir.$imageDir;

function deleteImagesFromPath($path) {
	global $removed_images;
	$images = glob($path . '/*.{jpg,png,gif,jpeg}', GLOB_BRACE);
	if ($images){
		foreach ($images as $file) {
			if (is_file($file)) {
		echo 'Deleted images from folder ' . $path . '/' ."<br/>";

function imageExistsInDB($id_image){
	return Db::getInstance()->getValue('
	    SELECT id_image FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'image WHERE id_image = '.(int)$id_image

echo '--------------------------------------<br>';
if  ($removed_images > 0)
	echo '¡Viva! Hemos eliminado '.$removed_images.' imágenes de productos!';
	echo 'Todo está bien con tus imágenes. No eliminé ninguno o lo hice antes. ¡Buen trabajo Presta!';


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Hi, I didn't know that regenerating images all at the same time erased those too, since previously I had done it by dimensions and didn't erase them. When by chance I did it yesterday and I realized that today when I saw the post I put it to share what happened.
I didn't need to regenerate images, I needed to save disk space from images that weren't being used and images that were taking up a lot of space. I have made the regeneration to lower the quality and as I said the high quality option and lower from 9 GB to 3.60 GB
Thank you

Edited by ivanchu83 (see edit history)
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