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API issue, GET /api/orders not showing xlink list?


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Dear Prestashop/community

I wanted to get a list of all orders using GET /api/orders 
but I get the following error (500 Internal server error)

Same issue when trying to retrieve the order_details  GET /api/order_details

I do however get a list of all customers when using GET /api/customers

Getting a single record from order / customer / order_details is working just fine (GET /api/orders/1  /api/customers/1 /api/order_details/1 )

The customer is using version 

Any workarounds available to get a list of all order_ids ?

I could use the order_histories ,this gives me all order histories ids with references to order_ids
But I don't know if an order always has an orders_histories record

Kind regards, 

Chester van Ree

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Found a workaround. 
when using ?limit=1000&sort=id_DESC it is working. 

The customer had almost 100000 order records so I'm guessing that the webservice couldn't handle the amount of records

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