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Hidden text fields in Prestashop 1.7.8


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After updating to PS 1.7.8 all the text fields in the GDPR module (v 1.2.1) have the style "visibility: hidden".

<textarea class="autoload_rte" name="psgdpr_registered_module_21_2" text="" rows="4" cols="80" id="psgdpr_registered_module_21_2" style="visibility: hidden;">Checkbox för nyhetsbrev. Jag godkänner att min epost sparas och används för att skicka nyhetsbrev. Din epost delas inte med någon annan.</textarea>

Is there a reason for this, and how to fix this?

/ Magnus


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Dear all,

I could not resolve this issue with clearing the cash on and gdpr module 1.4.3.

There is a GitHub report saying that it's a cash issue but this seems not to be the case. Manual deletion of var / cash does not help (https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/26244).

CSS workaround:

label[for='psgdpr'] #result_box, label[for='psgdpr'] #result_box span {
  display: block; 
label[for='psgdpr'] {
  display: inline-grid;

kind regards,

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