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Some issues in installation of PrestaShop (with XAMPP) - and how to fix it

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Installing PrestaShop, even when we have followed carefully the instructions on the website or from videos, has never been an easy job. I have experienced some problems, and I would love to share with you how I resolved those problem when installing PrestaShop (using XAMPP):

Issue: Cannot connect to database (when testing the connection to database)

- Check the name of the database you set up on your local host

- Check the port

If those are okay, the problem might be that your current PHP version is not compatible with the PrestaShop version you are trying to install.

You can check compatibility between PHP version & PrestaShop version here: https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/basics/installation/system-requirements/

Then, you check PHP version by going to Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac) and type: php -v

You can upgrade or downgrade your PHP version by learning the tips Here. 

After you have successfully applied the new PHP version, don't forget to go to your 'php.ini' file and de-comment following lines (remove the semi-colon):

;extension=gd (or ;extension=gd2)


I hope this can help you!

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