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Unable to access an order in admin


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I am unable to access an order in admin, page shows error:

An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("DateInterval::__construct(): Unknown or bad format (PD)").
[Twig\Error\RuntimeError 0]

Any idea on what could be going on there, and how to get this solved please?

Other orders are displaying fine.

Using PrestaShop

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Thanks for your answer.

PHP version is 7.3.29.
Install version was

I did not try debug yesterday as one of the payment solutions was messing with the debug mode in dev environment.
On the production side it seems to be available, so with debug mode enabled I get 2 exceptions:

Twig\Error\ RuntimeError
in src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Sell/Order/Order/view.html.twig (line 85)

{{ renderhook('displayAdminOrderMainBottom', {'id_order': orderForViewing.id}) }}


DateInterval::__construct(): Unknown or bad format (PD)
in modules/chronopost/chronopost.php (line 1828)

$daysAfter = Configuration::get('CHRONOPOST_CHRONOFRESH_DLC');
$now = new DateTime();
$dlc_default = $now->add(new DateInterval("P{$daysAfter}D"))->format("Y-m-d");

Looks like Chronopost module is bugging right there, I will try to contact them.

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