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Traffic and SEO

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Hi, I have a problem.
I installed a copy of prestashop from the previous site in a different folder. I changed the URL to the new domain in Traffic and SEO, then I went to test it and when I click on my store it resets to the old site. I went straight to the Database to verify this is all correct.
I already cleaned the cash and nothing.

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Thank you so much for trying to help me.
I did the procedure as you mentioned, but it didn't work.
so I took a look at SEO and URLs
with great patience. Setting URLs /Redirect to canonical URL I changed to: no redirect and it worked. Even so, I'm very grateful for trying to help. He left this information here for anyone who has a similar case. Thank you very much.


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6 horas atrás, Crezzur disse:

Delete the .htaccess and regenerate it by disabel and enable your friendly url.


Modify your .htaccess so it uses the correct urls from your new shop. Use CTRL+F5 to clear your browser cookies our visit your site in incognito modus.

Thank you so much for trying to help me.
I did the procedure as you mentioned, but it didn't work.
so I took a look at SEO and URLs
with great patience. Setting URLs /Redirect to canonical URL I changed to: no redirect and it worked. Even so, I'm very grateful for trying to help. He left this information here for anyone who has a similar case. Thank you very much.

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6 horas atrás, Crezzur disse:

Exclua o .htaccess e gere-o novamente desmarcando e habilitando seu url amigável.


Modifique seu .htaccess para que ele use os urls corretos de sua nova loja. Use CTRL + F5 para limpar os cookies do seu navegador ou visite seu site em modo anônimo.


6 horas atrás, Crezzur disse:

Exclua o .htaccess e gere-o novamente desmarcando e habilitando seu url amigável.


Modifique seu .htaccess para que ele use os urls corretos de sua nova loja. Use CTRL + F5 para limpar os cookies do seu navegador ou visite seu site em modo anônimo.

Hi, I think I was too quick.
I did the previous procedure and it seemed resolved, but it works only when you enter the first page, when clicking on the product, it continues redirecting to the old site. Can you tell me how I generate this .htaccess file? I did the procedure renaming the file and creating a new one, but I don't know what codes I can add.

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Oi, acho que fui muito rápido.
Fiz o procedimento anterior e parecia resolvido, mas só funciona quando você entra na primeira página, ao clicar no produto, continua redirecionando para o site antigo. Você pode me dizer como eu gero esse arquivo .htaccess? Fiz o procedimento renomeando o arquivo e criando um novo, mas não sei quais códigos posso adicionar.

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