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Shopping Carts -> Non ordered


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Prestashop :

These steps bellow will generate a problem :

1 - When an order is placed

2 - Change the status to "Processing in progress"

3 - The client will receive an email for the changing status

4 - In this email click the "Guest Tracking" link

5 - You will be oriented to a page where you have to put the order reference and the email associated to the order

6 - After that you will be redirected to the login page, you have to put the email and the password

7 - Here there is two cases : first one is you will be oriented to the order history page and you will see the history table, second case you could receive this message “You have not placed any order” , even if you already have an active order !

8 - Now go to BO > Orders > Shopping Carts

9 - First line displays in the Order ID column a status "Non ordered" and in the Total column this price $0.00 !!

10 - Keep repeating from step 4 to 9 the same line will be added.

Is anyone getting this case ?

Screenshot 2021-06-19 005651.png

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