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Module PsAccounts error on ps


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Hello all,

I have a problem regarding the backoffice on my website. On debug mode I have the below error after I enter my login and pswd to access the BO. The front is still working even though i cannot access the back.


Did anyone have a similar issue regarding the PsAccounts module ?


I run on ps on php version of 7.2


Many thanks,



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  • 1 year later...

Hello, if I can't even enter the backOffice because of ps_accounts ?
I have version v5.3.6-ps_accounts with PS and when I can't enter I don't know how to uninstall it, the error gives me:
Attempted to call an undefined method named "getLoginActivated" of class "PrestaShop\Module\PsAccounts\Service\PsAccountsService".
in AdminLoginController.php line 75

I tried to go to the ps_tab table that was already disabled and I try to rename the ps_accounts folder to ps_accounts_ but nothing
Do you know how I can solve?
Thank you

Captura de pantalla 2023-05-05 a las 9.59.58.png

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32 minutes ago, five said:

Hello, if I can't even enter the backOffice because of ps_accounts ?
I have version v5.3.6-ps_accounts with PS and when I can't enter I don't know how to uninstall it, the error gives me:
Attempted to call an undefined method named "getLoginActivated" of class "PrestaShop\Module\PsAccounts\Service\PsAccountsService".
in AdminLoginController.php line 75

I tried to go to the ps_tab table that was already disabled and I try to rename the ps_accounts folder to ps_accounts_ but nothing
Do you know how I can solve?
Thank you

Captura de pantalla 2023-05-05 a las 9.59.58.png

You don't delete a module by manipulating the database. You delete it by physically deleting its directory under the modules directory.

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