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Color attribute image in cart summary


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How can I show the color of the attributes in the cart summary?
Let me explain, when I look at the trolley I have for example the leather label and the color label.
I would like the latter to be the image inserted in the skin-color combination


I'm using prestashop





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  • 1 year later...
On 12/18/2022 at 4:08 AM, 4you.software said:

For such modifications, it is necessary to create an override Cart.php (function getProducts) and modifications in the TPL template.
There is nothing complicated about the global, but solving it with a module is quite time-consuming, considering that each template can have a different TPL.

Thanks a lot for the answer.

i looked at the cart.php file and found the function that creates the array.

I did some tests, inserted id_attribute in the select and I can pass it in the tpl file.

I would like to leave the two arrays (attributes and attributes_small) and create a new one, for example attributes_big where I also insert the id_attribute

but if I try to create it it doesn't work well, in the tpl file, it twists 0: and all the id_attributes together example 121125136 and not 121 first item 125 second item etc

Could you give me some advice please



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in cart.php I add 'id_attribute' I use this because then paste put img/co/ ... .jpg and I have the link of the image then I assign new variable and create links the code basically creates a string separated by '-' and everything works fine


public static function cacheSomeAttributesLists($ipa_list, $id_lang)


 'SELECT  pac.`id_attribute`, pac.`id_product_attribute`, agl.`public_name` AS public_group_name, al.`name` AS attribute_name
// here add 'id_attribute' 

  			self::$_attributesLists[$key]['attributes'] .= $row['public_group_name'] . $colon . $row['attribute_name'] . $separator . ' ';
            self::$_attributesLists[$key]['attributes_small'] .= $row['attribute_name'] . $separator . ' ';

// here i add the new variable and then i do the rtrim
            self::$_attributesLists[$key]['attributes_url_image'] .=  _PS_COL_IMG_DIR_  .  $row['id_attribute'] . '.jpg' . $separator . ' ' ;

			self::$_attributesLists[$id_product_attribute . '-' . $id_lang]['attributes_url_image'] = rtrim(
                self::$_attributesLists[$id_product_attribute . '-' . $id_lang]['attributes_url_image'],
                $separator . ' '

nel file modal.tpl  or file cart-detailed-product-line

{foreach from=$product.attributes_url_image key="attribute" item="value"}
      <div class="product-line-info">
        <span  class="label"> att {$attribute}:</span>
        <span  class="value">val img {$value}</span>
here is an example then I fix it

{foreach from=$product.attributes_id_image key="attribute" item="value"}
      <div class="product-line-info">
        <span class="label">{$attribute}:</span>
        <span class="value">{$value}</span>


here it returns me an array


here is string  

I can't find where prestashop transforms the string $product.attributes (which caches function cacheSomeAttributesLists) in an array




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public static function cacheSomeAttributesLists($ipa_list, $id_lang)
        if (!Combination::isFeatureActive()) {

        $pa_implode = [];
        $separator = Configuration::get('PS_ATTRIBUTE_ANCHOR_SEPARATOR');

        if ($separator === '-') {
            // Add a space before the dash between attributes
            $separator = ' -';

        foreach ($ipa_list as $id_product_attribute) {
            if ((int) $id_product_attribute && !array_key_exists($id_product_attribute . '-' . $id_lang, self::$_attributesLists)) {
                $pa_implode[] = (int) $id_product_attribute;
                self::$_attributesLists[(int) $id_product_attribute . '-' . $id_lang] = self::DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES_KEYS;

        if (!count($pa_implode)) {

        $result = Db::getInstance()->executeS(
            'SELECT pac.`id_product_attribute`, agl.`public_name` AS public_group_name, al.`name` AS attribute_name, 
            ag.is_color_group, a.id_attribute as color_id_attribute, a.color as color_value
            FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute_combination` pac
            LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute` a ON a.`id_attribute` = pac.`id_attribute`
            LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute_group` ag ON ag.`id_attribute_group` = a.`id_attribute_group`
            LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute_lang` al ON (
                a.`id_attribute` = al.`id_attribute`
                AND al.`id_lang` = ' . (int) $id_lang . '
            LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute_group_lang` agl ON (
                ag.`id_attribute_group` = agl.`id_attribute_group`
                AND agl.`id_lang` = ' . (int) $id_lang . '
            WHERE pac.`id_product_attribute` IN (' . implode(',', $pa_implode) . ')
            ORDER BY ag.`position` ASC, a.`position` ASC'

        $colon = Context::getContext()->getTranslator()->trans(': ', [], 'Shop.Pdf');
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $key = $row['id_product_attribute'] . '-' . $id_lang;
            $color = '';
            $colorImg = '';
            if ($row['is_color_group'] == '1'){
                if ($row['color_value']){
                    $color = '<span style="background-color&colon;red;height&colon;25px;width&colon;25px;display&colon;inline-block;border-radius&colon;50%;border&colon;2px solid grey;margin-bottom&colon;-6px;&colon;margin-left&colon;3px;"></span>';
                    self::$_attributesLists[$key]['attributes'] .= $row['public_group_name'] . $colon . $color;
                } else {
                    $colorImg = '<img src="/img/co/'.$row['color_id_attribute'].'.jpg" height="25" style="display&colon;inline-block;margin-bottom&colon;-6px;&colon;margin-left&colon;3px;">';
                    self::$_attributesLists[$key]['attributes'] .= $row['public_group_name'] . $colon . $colorImg;
            } else {
                self::$_attributesLists[$key]['attributes'] .= $row['public_group_name'] . $colon . $row['attribute_name'] . $separator . ' ';
            self::$_attributesLists[$key]['attributes_small'] .= $row['attribute_name'] . $separator . ' ';

        foreach ($pa_implode as $id_product_attribute) {
            self::$_attributesLists[$id_product_attribute . '-' . $id_lang]['attributes'] = rtrim(
                self::$_attributesLists[$id_product_attribute . '-' . $id_lang]['attributes'],
                $separator . ' '

            self::$_attributesLists[$id_product_attribute . '-' . $id_lang]['attributes_small'] = rtrim(
                self::$_attributesLists[$id_product_attribute . '-' . $id_lang]['attributes_small'],
                $separator . ' '


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