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IMPORT ERROR Ιδιότητα Product->available_for_order δεν είναι έγκυρη


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i have an issue... i am trying to transfer some products from an opencart 3.0.2 shop to the latest prestashop, so i wrote this query in phpmyadmin at opencart db and i got the fields that i wanted.

(I leave this sql query here in case anyone want to do something similar. ps don't get confuced with the category id's)

SELECT a.product_id, a.quantity, a.price, b.name, b.description, d.name 
FROM oc_product a 
LEFT JOIN oc_product_description b 
ON a.product_id = b.product_id  
LEFT JOIN oc_product_to_category c 
ON a.product_id = c.product_id
LEFT JOIN oc_category_description d 
ON d.category_id = c.category_id
WHERE a.status = 1 AND b.language_id = 1 AND d.language_id = 1 AND c.category_id = 10643 OR c.category_id = 10644 OR c.category_id = 10645 OR c.category_id = 10646 OR c.category_id = 10647 OR c.category_id = 10648 OR c.category_id = 10649 OR c.category_id = 10822 OR c.category_id = 10930 OR c.category_id = 10931 OR c.category_id = 10933 OR c.category_id = 10948 AND a.quantity != 0 GROUP BY a.product_id

the results are good so i tried to import that. i followed the sample as i did with the categories before but the error of the title comes up

"Ιδιότητα Product->available_for_order δεν είναι έγκυρη"

the value is just 1 for being avaliable and it seems valid i save in utf-8 the rest are all good but i can not proceed becasue of that error, does anyone have any idea what goes wrong?



Edited by inep (see edit history)
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