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Erreur 500 aprés avoir validé la création de compte.

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Bonsoir à tous,

Depuis peu, j'ai une erreur 500 qui apparait après avoir validé la création d'un nouveau compte.

Je suis en avec un php de 7.2

je suis passer en mode débug et j'obtiens cela :


(1/1) ContextErrorException

Notice: Undefined index: pl_grid_qty

in iqitthemeeditor.php line 1271

at IqitThemeEditor->addJsVars(array('g_layout' => 'boxed', 'g_sidebars_width' => 'narrow', 'rm_logo' => '', 'rm_icon_apple' => '', 'rm_icon_android' => '', 'rm_breakpoint' => '0', 'rm_pinch_zoom' => '0', 'rm_address_bg' => '', 'rm_header' => '1', 'rm_sticky' => 'down', 'op_preloader' => '0', 'op_preloader_icon_pre' => '1', 'typo_bfont_t' => 'system', 'typo_bfont_g_url' => 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Playfair+Display:400,400i,700', 'typo_hfont_t' => 'same', 'typo_hfont_g_url' => '', 'cart_style' => 'floating', 'cart_confirmation' => 'notification', 'bread_width' => 'fullwidth-bg', 'bread_bg_category' => '0', 'sm_facebook' => 'https://www.facebook.com/menthealo.bijouxsauvages', 'sm_twitter' => '', 'sm_youtube' => '', 'sm_google' => '', 'sm_instagram' => 'https://www.instagram.com/menthealo.bijouxsauvages/', 'sm_pinterest' => '', 'sm_vimeo' => '', 'sm_linkedin' => '', 'sm_og_logo' => '/img/cms/Logo Facebook MAO.jpg', 'hw_width' => 'inherit', 'h_layout' => '4', 'h_absolute' => '1', 'h_sticky' => 'header', 'h_logo_position' => 'left', 'h_user_dropdown' => '0', 'h_search_type' => 'box', 'tb_status' => '1', 'tb_width' => 'fullwidth', 'tb_social' => '0', 'hm_submenu_width' => 'fullwidth', 'vm_position' => '0', 'mm_type' => 'dropdown', 'pl_default_view' => 'grid', 'pl_lazyload' => '0', 'pl_rollover' => 'slide', 'pl_top_pagination' => '0', 'pl_faceted_position' => '1', 'pl_infinity' => '0', 'pl_grid_ld' => 2, 'pl_grid_d' => 3, 'pl_grid_t' => 6, 'pl_grid_p' => 6, 'pl_grid_layout' => '1', 'pl_crsl_style' => 'middle', 'pl_crsl_autoplay' => '0', 'cat_image' => '1', 'cat_desc' => '0', 'cat_sub_thumbs' => '0', 'cat_sub_thumbs_d' => '2', 'cat_sub_thumbs_t' => '2', 'cat_sub_thumbs_p' => '3', 'cat_hide_mobile' => '0', 'pp_image_layout' => 'carousel', 'pp_thumbs' => 'leftd', 'pp_img_width' => '4', 'pp_zoom' => 'none', 'pp_sidebar' => '0', 'pp_accesories' => 'footer', 'pp_tabs' => 'tabh', 'pp_tabs_placement' => 'footer', 'pp_reference' => 'title', 'pp_man_logo' => 'next-title', 'pp_man_desc' => '1', 'pp_price_position' => 'below-title', 'brands_layout' => '2', 'checkout_header' => 'default', 'checkout_footer' => 'default', 'f_layout' => '4', 'f_fixed' => '', 'f_newsletter_status' => '0', 'f_social_status' => '1', 'fc_status' => '1', 'fc_img' => '', 'mcs_layout' => '1', 'mcs_logo' => '', 'mcs_countdown' => '1', 'mcs_date' => '2017-08-31 00:00:00', 'mcs_social' => '1', 'mcs_newsletter' => '1', 'codes_gtag' => '', 'codes_gtm' => '', 'pp_content_width' => 8, 'pl_slider_ld' => 6, 'pl_slider_d' => 4, 'pl_slider_t' => 2, 'pl_slider_p' => '2', 'theme_assets' => '/themes/warehouse/assets/', 'codes_body' => '', 'codes_head' => '', 'h_txt' => '', 'fc_txt' => ''))in iqitthemeeditor.php line 1304

at IqitThemeEditor->hookHeader(array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 9))in Hook.php line 990

at HookCore::coreCallHook(object(IqitThemeEditor), 'hookHeader', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 9))in Hook.php line 414

at HookCore::callHookOn(object(IqitThemeEditor), 'Header', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 9))in Hook.php line 927

at HookCore::exec('displayHeader')in FrontController.php line 575

at FrontControllerCore->initContent()in AuthController.php line 87

at AuthControllerCore->initContent()in Controller.php line 306

at ControllerCore->run()in Dispatcher.php line 518

at DispatcherCore->dispatch()in index.php line 28


En vous remerciant d'avance

erreur 500.jpg

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