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PS 1.7.6 How to order manufacturers/brands by name in faceted search module?


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PS v1.7.6.8
ps_facetedsearch Module v3.7.0


When showing the manufacturers in the faceted navigation module, it shows me the first 51 ordered by name and the rest not. I don't know if it is a coincidence that of the first 51 (They are not ordered by id, since in the back it does not coincide either)
How can I force it to show them sorted by name?


You can see it here:

If you go down in the list of brands until ZEMAITIS is ordered by name, then it seems that a second list begins also ordered by name apparently

Also, if I edit any of the marks below and save it when reloading the front, it orders it correctly.
However, if I compare the entire database before and after editing the brand, everything is the same, only the modification date of the brand changes.

This is normal?




front_brands2021-03-11 094414.jpg

layered_filter_config2021-03-11 094501.jpg

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