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EAN Code showing in product HTML despite User-friendly URL?


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We wanted to start a google shopping campagin, and need to enter the EAN code for that to happen. However, it will display the EAN code in the product html link. Despite trying to assign a user-friendly URL in the backend, it will still generate the link with the EAN Code in it.

Is there any way to turn this off?

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have you removed the ean code "{-:ean13}" from the Seo&url s page "Route to products" section and the link on the category pages still contains the ean code? 

If yes, then you should try to clear cache, and also to temporarily disable overrides, or if you have a Friendly url module, then most probably you should contact the friendly url module developer, as in this case his module is not taking in consideration the product route format, and leaves the ean code in the url.

Also for the Google shopping if the ean code is inside the url , this has nothing to do with the shopping, as for Google shopping the ean code needs to be added to the feed as a separete identifier into the gtin field.

Kind regards, Leo

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5 minutes ago, Prestachamps said:

Thanks, we will try that and see if it works. We know that the EAN code in the in the link has nothing to do with shopping, it's just not very user friendly to have such a long link. Entering it into the EAN field keeps it in the backend, which is fine and we can use the google shopping module to link that as well.
Will test later and let you know if it worked. thanks.


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