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Review button not working properly in reviews tab

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most probably you have a JavaScript error on your product page, as that button should execute a JavaScript function to show you the review form. Or the module has some issue with your theme.

Since I am not seeing the page I cannot tell you more about this. Maybe if you can send me the module and tell me the version of PS you're having I could help you. 

Kind regards, Leo

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10 hours ago, Prestachamps said:


most probably you have a JavaScript error on your product page, as that button should execute a JavaScript function to show you the review form. Or the module has some issue with your theme.

Since I am not seeing the page I cannot tell you more about this. Maybe if you can send me the module and tell me the version of PS you're having I could help you. 

Kind regards, Leo

Hey Leo,

Thanks for replying. I didn't expect support this soon from a expert. Leo my shop is infant stage right now which is why i put in maintenance mode after working on it.  My version is The site is live now leo. I think the theme is conflicting like u say. The default review module from mypresta.eu was also initially giving me troubles like its button was not even working at least revws redirects and also the default module lacked several features in comparison to revws. I tried updating but no success. please help me out. 



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