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Login not working. No error log

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I have a fresh install of within subfolder. When I try to enter email/pass and click enter the little white box shrinks and store name is displayed with no info. No error log is created. I tried to change PHP in subfolder to 7.1. 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 and it does not seem to help. 

Any suggestions to correct login?

Thank You  

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you should enable the debug mode and then try to Login, as most probably there you have one error, either there is database table ps_employee_session missing from your database, or you have this issue with your server running an outdated ICU version (< 4.6) (the server dont has INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 so it fails)

For the missing Database table just execute this in phpmyadmin for your database:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ps_employee_session` (
  `id_employee_session` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `id_employee` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
  `token` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id_employee_session`)

For the second one the workaround is to use newer version of ICU on server, or maybe if you change the PHP version to another supported one then this could work also.

Kind regards, Leo

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Hi Mike,

Well, if they are not willing to update it, then you should anyway activate debug mode and check the error.

If you're not familiar with server configuration  then most probably you should not manually update it on server, that is why the server hosting team is there, to support you on the server related issues/updates.

Have you tried the debug mode, or checked if the database table is missing?

Here are some commands to check your ICU version, and if you know what you're doing on server to upgrade it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56413734/prestashop-1-7-to-avoid-internationalization-data-inconsistencies-upgrade-the-s . I am not a server guy, but I know that if manually upgrading things it can be risky, as if the manual upgrade fails at some point, you can end up with a not functional server, where the hosting can help you or won't help you, depends if you have support included or managed hosting.

Anyway, the first thing is the debug mode , so the error should mention what's wrong there. The ICU upgrade should be done by the hosting.

Kind regards, Leo

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