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Error 404 - How it solves


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Your FrontOffice is working? I mean only for the Backoffice you have a 404 error? 

Have you checked the BO login in an incognito window? 

Also, before this error what was the last thing you have done to the shop, like some module upgrade, or installed new module? 

Also can you enable debug mode from the FTP?

Kind regards, Leo

Edited by Prestachamps (see edit history)
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I never entered the BO through the window without registration.

I made some minor changes to the code, but nothing much and for the answer I didn't install any modules at the moment.

How to activate FTP debug mode?



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@L7GHT - Can you please edit your post and translate it to English, as you can see there are some who got serious language issues, even though programming is an international language!

I presume this counts toward a post as couldn't identify the help in it. 

I know that you opened a separate ticket in Portuguese, so either we continue there or here. Don't worry we'll get this solved, at the end this forum's purpose should be to help Unfortunately that got lost through the tunnel of time!



Edited by Prestachamps (see edit history)
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