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addJS and addCSS cannot be added to Front Controller


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Hello everybody,

The CSS and JS are not taken into account in my front controller module. What could I do ? Thank's in advance for your help.


Here is the code of the method setmedia:


public function setMedia()







              'media' => 'all',

              'priority' => 200,







            'priority' => 200,

            'attribute' => 'async',




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For PS 1.7+ use this hook in your module's main class:

public function hookActionFrontControllerSetMedia()
            Media ::addJsDef([
                'your_module_name' => $this -> context -> link -> getModuleLink($this -> name, 'display', [], true),

            $this -> context -> controller -> registerJavascript('modules-your_module_name',
                'modules/' . $this -> name . '/views/js/front.js');

It also works with hookHeader().

Edited by Rhobur (see edit history)
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