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Translation of system emails like "account" with message "No Subject was found for account in the database"


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I have tried to search everywhere for a solution to the issue that some subject lines in the system emails can't be translated through the backoffice, but didn't find any solution.

For example the "account" template, where the information "No Subject was found for account in the database." is instead of the subject field. 

How can I translate the subject (now "Welcome!") of such a template? 

Using PS v1.7.7.0. I can mention that I have translated the phrase "Welcome!" in Translations/Email translations/Subject/[language] in the backoffice, but the system doesn't fetch that. 


Is it possible to stop sending out this "account" template to all new customers registering?

With kind regards,
 - Johan.

Edited by hstrom (see edit history)
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