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Visitor payment


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Hello, when I activate visitor orders, i encounter a page like the following on the checkout page. When we fill out this form and say "continue", the user is registered. I'm already getting this information from the user in the next addresses section. (So I don't want the user to create an account, I just want to get the address information)


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Technically a customer guest account is created, but without a given password the customer can't login or place further orders without entering the information agains. This guest account is technically required to fullfil the order and store the related personal details. This is the standard procedure in almost all web-shops I know and it complies with EU data protection rules.

Edited by JBW (see edit history)
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1 saat önce JBW şunları söyledi:

Teknik olarak bir müşteri misafir hesabı oluşturulur, ancak belirli bir şifre olmadan müşteri oturum açamaz veya bilgileri tekrar girmeden başka sipariş veremez. Bu misafir hesabı, teknik olarak siparişi tamamlamak ve ilgili kişisel bilgileri saklamak için gereklidir. Bu, bildiğim neredeyse tüm web mağazalarında standart prosedür ve AB veri koruma kurallarına uyuyor.

Peki müşterinin sipariş vermek için bir hesap oluşturması gerekiyor mu?

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No, the customer provides his name and email and futher address data - everything that is required to process a purchase/shippment. technically in the background presta stores this data as a guest customer account.

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27 minutes ago, JBW said:

Hayır, müşteri adını, e-postasını ve diğer adres verilerini - bir satın alma / sevkıyatı işlemek için gereken her şeyi sağlar. presta teknik olarak arka planda bu verileri misafir müşteri hesabı olarak saklar.

Well, that's what I'm talking about. On this page; After entering username and password, users are registered.

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58 minutes ago, JBW said:

If password is provided a full customer account is created. Without password a guest account is created.

Is it not possible to pass the fields here directly and start from the 2nd step, namely the address part?

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