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Prestashop - Achecker - language selection - Check 91: select element missing an associated label


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Hello to all i am new here.


I have a problmem with Achecer is the folowing


1.3 Adaptable: Create content that can be presented in different ways (for example simpler layout) without losing information or structure.

Success Criteria 1.3.1 Info and Relationships (A)

Check 91: select element missing an associated label.

Repair: Add a label element that surrounds the control's label. Set the for attribute on the label element to the same value as the id attribute of the control. And/or add a title attribute to the input element. And/or create a label element that contains the input element.

Line 106, Column 7:

<select class="link hidden-md-up" aria-labelledby="language-selector-label"> <op ...


my code is this


<div id="_desktop_language_selector">
  <div class="language-selector-wrapper">
    <span id="language-selector-label" class="hidden-md-up">{l s='Language:' d='Shop.Theme.Global'}</span>
    <div class="language-selector dropdown js-dropdown">
      <button data-toggle="dropdown" class="hidden-sm-down btn-unstyle" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="{l s='Language dropdown' d='Shop.Theme.Global'}">
        <span class="expand-more">{$current_language.name_simple}</span>
        <i class="material-icons expand-more">&#xE5C5;</i>
      <ul class="dropdown-menu hidden-sm-down" aria-labelledby="language-selector-label">
        {foreach from=$languages item=language}
          <li {if $language.id_lang == $current_language.id_lang} class="current" {/if}>
            <a href="{url entity='language' id=$language.id_lang}" class="dropdown-item" data-iso-code="{$language.iso_code}">{$language.name_simple}</a>
      <select class="link hidden-md-up" aria-labelledby="language-selector-label">
        {foreach from=$languages item=language}
          <option value="{url entity='language' id=$language.id_lang}"{if $language.id_lang == $current_language.id_lang} selected="selected"{/if} data-iso-code="{$language.iso_code}">


Can anybody help me

the suggestions that achecer have are


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