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Desired delivery date and cost of delivery relation


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I have a delivery date picker on my website and I was wondering if there's any way to link picked delivery date to delivery (shipping ) charge.

Valentine's day coming up and I want to change the free delivery minimum for 12/13/14 of February without having to wait till the day. Any suggestions? 

I am willing to pay for modification to the calendar module to make this happen if possible.


Thank you.

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Hi, my name is Alexander.
I represent the agency Prestapro LTD.

If you have any PrestaShop tasks, we can help you.

We have been working with PrestaShop since 2011, starting with version 1.3.
At the moment, we are doing development for all versions of PrestaShop.
Recently, we mainly work with PreShop 1.7.
We have developed many modules and templates that are sold at PrestaShop Addons:

Our site: https://prestapro.ru

I will be happy to discuss your work and start in the very near future.

Best Regards.

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