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SOLVED - PS 1.6 Instant Checkout - only Payment after refresh / reload


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The error was generated by the module Paypal Plus Modul - by terracode - last Version for PS 1.6. I have reinstalled the old version (paypalplus.1.6.44) and now everything seems to work. 



Presta 1.6. 
PHP 5.6.2. & 7.0 tested  
Theme LEO JKA 

do somebody of you know the problem from the headline? Unfortunately I can not get rid of the error. I think something is blocking the jquery that loads the payment methods. But where and how can I change this???? For testing I have installed a reload button which of course only works if i deactivate the TOS. 

This is the Situation:

Instant Checkout: 
Order in cart as guest, enter and save all address data and select shipping and then it stops. Only a refresh of the page makes the payment methods loading. 

The problem is also that the TOS checkbox is deactivated after the refresh. As a result, you can no longer order.

The last step is not loaded and the tab is also no link. -> Abort.

Does anyone have any ideas or know the problem?
Many Thanks!



Edited by sporenborg (see edit history)
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