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Advanced XML & CSV Importer Module : feedback and probems


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We have installed Advanced XML & CSV Importer Module (https://addons.prestashop.com/en/fast-mass-updates/7951-advanced-xml-csv-importer.html) and added some tasks.

Some of them works fine, other tasks run erratically. For example we have an import task scheduled every days at 5h30AM. So weeks it run at 5h30 but, The "smartcron" API is disabled and we have added cron.php and plan.php to the server crontab every 1min.

-- some days the task didn't run

-- some days the task run 3 times and the imported xml are exactly the same


-- have other people encountered this problem?

-- Is there more reliable alternative to this module?

Thanks !



Edited by jpdev
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