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Is this a bug, bad design, or user error, store locations?


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Okay  I have the store's unchecked in static content.  It no longer shows up  in the main footer links,  but with the mobile footer  there is a link  to  "store information" that  link  goes straight to to  sample store information. 


....so,  two  questions

1. If the stores are unchecked in static content,  then why are they even showing up  at all?
2.  where do I go to edit the mobile footer, as it is obviously not tied into the main footer?


This honestly seems like a bug to me, why would that information even  be available if it's unchecked in static content?  Also,  is there any way  from the back office to edit mobile specific things in general--like that  footer menu--or do  I have to  dive back into the files and hunt down this stuff down one by  one?



Thanks in advance. 


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Okay,  I deleted all of the stores from contact/stores under Shop Parameters,  but the link  still  shows up in the footer, it just now  goes to a blank  page.  I really would like that  link  to  not be on the mobile footer.  It does not show up the main site. 

How do  I do away with this? 

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Yeah,  but I still  want the contact information there--I mean that's kind of a given. I just don't want a list of physical  stores to appear,  because we literally have no  physical  stores. 

Is there not a way  to  disable the link  to  physical  stores without totally disabling all  contact information? That seems kind of like an  all  or nothing approach. 

...also,  I have no  idea what anything in the second screenshot says. Even  dropping it into  Photoshop  and resizing doesn't help.  It's nothing but meaningless pixels.  If it's supposed to  be the sub-settings on the contact  module,  mine looks nothing like that when clicking on "configure" It simply says,  "display  email  address" with a yes/no toggle:



Again.  I'm not looking to  remove all of my contact information.  I simply don't want links to  physical  stores that  don't exist,  and I was pretty sure I disabled them(there are no longer there when it's not in a mobile view). 

I'm not trying to  throw out the baby  with  the bath water here.  I just want to  know why  I'm seeing a link on the mobile screen that goes to the store locations from  the sample information  that  came with the default theme. 

typos (see edit history)
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if you have deleted all the stores and they still appear, you need to recompile your template, preferably force and also clear your browser's cache.

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6 minutes ago, Guest said:

if you have deleted all the stores and they still appear, you need to recompile your template, preferably force and also clear your browser's cache.

Done,  done,  done again.  I disabled the static pages three weeks ago.  I have cleared that cache multiple times a day since then,  every single time with  "force compilation" turned on.  

It still  shows the link in mobile though,  only now it goes to a blank page since I manually deleted all of the store information  earlier. 

Edited by ZORANVEDEK (see edit history)
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I have not written dozens of answers about this problem.
If there is a cache problem, it renames the dev and prod folders in the cache folder.
Once they have been renamed, you can delete them.
If you have nginx, contact your web host.

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 Also  I disabled the "Store information" link in the footer at the same time I disabled the static links. It has been gone from  the full  page footer since then,  but it still  shows up on the mobile footer. I didn't catch until  now,  because no one was really paying attention to  the mobile footer,  it was just  assumed that  when the full  page footer changed the mobile footer just  went along for the ride. Apparently that's not the case. 

I'm  pretty sure we don't have NGINX, it's cheap  Linux server on GoDaddy, but It's also doing the same thing on the same site on my localhost running under xxamp-- I keep both versions of the site pretty much synced by daily copying all of the files from  the web  host back to the local server while we're still  working on things.

This still  doesn't tell me why disabling a group of links on the footer,  didn't carry over to the mobile footer, or how to disable that feature on the mobile footer.  Shouldn't they  both be showing the same thing? Nor does it tell  me how to disable the link to stores(which only shows when in a mobile view) without completely nuking all of my contact information--which isn't really an  option. 


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