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[1.7][sql]How to set all first images as coverphoto


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You had SQL well, you just didn't put a semicolon at the end of the first line.

UPDATE `ps_image` SET `cover` = NULL;
UPDATE `ps_image` SET `cover` = 1 WHERE `position` = 1;


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  • 11 months later...

This may not work in case `position` 1 is not set for images

in my case i have 4 images for a product which only have position  4,5,6 and 7

the best solution to quickly fix all missing cover value is to run

UPDATE IGNORE ps_image f
	set	f.cover  =	1  
where f.id_image = 
	(SELECT t1.id_image FROM ps_image t1
	 JOIN (
	  SELECT MIN(id_image) AS min_value, id_product
	  FROM ps_image 
	  GROUP BY id_product
	) AS t2 ON t1.id_product = t2.id_product AND t1.id_image = t2.min_value
	  where t1.id_product = f.id_product
	limit 1);

UPDATE IGNORE ps_image_shop f
	set	f.cover  =	1  
where f.id_image = 
	(SELECT t1.id_image FROM ps_image_shop t1
	 JOIN (
	  SELECT MIN(id_image) AS min_value, id_product
	  FROM ps_image_shop 
	  GROUP BY id_product
	) AS t2 ON t1.id_product = t2.id_product AND t1.id_image = t2.min_value
	  where t1.id_product = f.id_product
	limit 1);


in case you will set the cover image according to the image with lowest position number,  just change  MIN(id_image) with MIN(position) ,  but the query i provided will just set the cover image for the first uploaded image which ahve the lowest image id

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