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Including postcode from list on address validation

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Hi everyone,

I am trying to add a new condition to the postcode validation, apart from the formating one, so when a customer inputs a postcode, it will be checked against the list in database. If in the list, address can be added, if not, it gives an error.

I already have a list in a module folder and I think this is the issue, but I am new on this so not sure.

I has considering copying the file CustomerAddressForm.php in the folder override,classes, forms and add the following code:

        if (($postcode = $this->getField('postcode'))) {
            if ($postcode->isRequired()) {
                $zipcode = $this->getField('postcode');
                $sql = 'SELECT zipcode FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'zipcodechecker
                WHERE zipcode="'.$zipcode.'" AND active="1"';
                    if($data != Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql)) {
					$postcode->addError($this->translator->trans('Sorry, we cannot deliver in that area yet'));
                    $is_valid = false;                   

If client inputs a postcode not in the table "sql" (which is on module folder), then they will get error message and $is_valid=false.

Unfortunately, the code doesn't work. I think it is due to the "sql" being in the module folder, while the CustomerAddressForm is on the override.

I am new at this, so would appreciete some help here!



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