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convert price in math equation


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Hello i have the following code (is a table).
How do i make convertPrice price= the result of math equation (is where this line starts here).

            {foreach $contaCorrente as $linha}
                <td style="display:none;">{$linha.email}</td>
                <td>{convertPrice price=$linha.deb}</td>
                <td style="display:none;">{convertPrice price=$linha.debf}</td>
                <td>{convertPrice price=$linha.cred}</td>
                <td style="display:none;">{convertPrice price=$linha.credf}</td>
                <td style="display:none;">{$linha.obs}</td>
                <td style="display:none;">{$linha.erpid}</td>
              <!-- this line starts here -->
                <td>{math equation="x - y" x=$linha.deb y=$linha.cred}</td>
               <!-- this line ends here --> 
            {assign var="sum" value="`$sum+$linha.deb`"}
            {assign var="sum2" value="`$sum2+$linha.cred`"}


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2 hours ago, ruisonika said:

Hello i have the following code (is a table).
How do i make convertPrice price= the result of math equation (is where this line starts here).


This should work:

            {foreach $contaCorrente as $linha}
  			{capture name="eq"}{math equation="x - y" x=$linha.deb y=$linha.cred}{/capture}
                <td style="display:none;">{$linha.email}</td>
                <td>{convertPrice price=$linha.deb}</td>
                <td style="display:none;">{convertPrice price=$linha.debf}</td>
                <td>{convertPrice price=$linha.cred}</td>
                <td style="display:none;">{convertPrice price=$linha.credf}</td>
                <td style="display:none;">{$linha.obs}</td>
                <td style="display:none;">{$linha.erpid}</td>
              <!-- this line starts here -->
                <td>{convertPrice price=$smarty.capture.eq}</td>
               <!-- this line ends here --> 
            {assign var="sum" value="`$sum+$linha.deb`"}
            {assign var="sum2" value="`$sum2+$linha.cred`"}


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3 hours ago, rrataj said:

This should work:

            {foreach $contaCorrente as $linha}
  			{capture name="eq"}{math equation="x - y" x=$linha.deb y=$linha.cred}{/capture}
                <td style="display:none;">{$linha.email}</td>
                <td>{convertPrice price=$linha.deb}</td>
                <td style="display:none;">{convertPrice price=$linha.debf}</td>
                <td>{convertPrice price=$linha.cred}</td>
                <td style="display:none;">{convertPrice price=$linha.credf}</td>
                <td style="display:none;">{$linha.obs}</td>
                <td style="display:none;">{$linha.erpid}</td>
              <!-- this line starts here -->
                <td>{convertPrice price=$smarty.capture.eq}</td>
               <!-- this line ends here --> 
            {assign var="sum" value="`$sum+$linha.deb`"}
            {assign var="sum2" value="`$sum2+$linha.cred`"}


Thanks it works :)

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