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Free shipping before select transport


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Hi, I ve read about this... but I dont find a good answer.  It's an inconvenient in the correct workflow of the purchase.. if the customer see all the time "free shpping" in the cart.. but after select transport and destination he/she saw 7.95€ i.e. .. can be (sometimes) a missing purchase, the customer can feel cheated.  Don't you thing that? there is some way to fix that? could be a better option not to see the "free" tag before select transport and destination, or see another tag (i.e. Pending calculate).  How can I fix that? thanks! my customer is worried.. :)

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What did you "read about this"? Hard to answer your question not knowing which solutions you have rejected.

Prestashop standard chooses the cheapest transport option. If that is something like "retrieve in store" it will be free. But you can override that setting in the transport settings.

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