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Bug Prestashop Backward compatibility for this method


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Good morning all,


I am the webmaster of a Prestashop site and I have a very annoying problem. In my logs, I have a lot of messages like this: Backward compatibility for this method: Backward compatibility for this method couldn \ 't be handled. Use $ this-> registerJavascript () instead What could this be due to? In addition, I have a problem with the Systempay module. When I want it activated as a means of payment, I have an error window in red which tells me that the enable method cannot work for this module .... what should I do? Prestashop:, SystemPay 1.13.4 PHP version 7.2.28 on a Debian server


Thanks you !



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Je soupçonne que la couche backward compatibility n'a plus rien a faire dans une version 1.7. C'était une couche permettant d'executer des modules 1.5+ sur les version 1.4.

Je tenterais de supprimer ce répertoire qui  est surement une relique des temps anciens

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