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New image variable not showing in order confirmation email


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I'm trying to show product images in the order confirmation email. I edited the PaymentModule.php and added the image variable, and added a table cell for the image in order_conf_product_list.tpl. On testing it doesn't show up. Tried replacing the reference variable value with the image and it works. Is there a reason I can't add the new image variable to the order_conf_product_list.tpl? My code is posted below. 

NB: I cleared the cache under PErformance in the backend, deleted class_index.php from the cache folder and checked the cache->smarty->cache folder, which was empty


$product_var_tpl_list = array();
                    foreach ($order->product_list as $product) {
                        $price = Product::getPriceStatic((int)$product['id_product'], false, ($product['id_product_attribute'] ? (int)$product['id_product_attribute'] : null), 6, null, false, true, $product['cart_quantity'], false, (int)$order->id_customer, (int)$order->id_cart, (int)$order->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')});
                        $price_wt = Product::getPriceStatic((int)$product['id_product'], true, ($product['id_product_attribute'] ? (int)$product['id_product_attribute'] : null), 2, null, false, true, $product['cart_quantity'], false, (int)$order->id_customer, (int)$order->id_cart, (int)$order->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')});

                        $product_price = Product::getTaxCalculationMethod() == PS_TAX_EXC ? Tools::ps_round($price, 2) : $price_wt;

                        //PJC show product images in email
                        $id_image = Product::getCover((int)$product['id_product']);
                        if (sizeof($id_image) > 0) {
                            $image = new Image($id_image['id_image']);
                            $image_url = _PS_BASE_URL_._THEME_PROD_DIR_.$image->getExistingImgPath().".jpg";
                            $image = '<img src="'.$image_url.'" width="100" height="100"/>';

                        $product_var_tpl = array(
                            //PJC show product image in email
                            'image' => $image,
                            'reference' => $product['reference'],
                            'name' => $product['name'].(isset($product['attributes']) ? ' - '.$product['attributes'] : ''),
                            'unit_price' => Tools::displayPrice($product_price, $this->context->currency, false),
                            'price' => Tools::displayPrice($product_price * $product['quantity'], $this->context->currency, false),
                            'quantity' => $product['quantity'],
                            'customization' => array()

                        //PJC custom individual product variables
                        $prod_ref = $product['reference'];
                        $prod_name = $product['name'].(isset($product['attributes']) ? ' - '.$product['attributes'] : '');
                        $prod_unit_price = Tools::displayPrice($product_price, $this->context->currency, false);
                        $prod_price = Tools::displayPrice($product_price * $product['quantity'], $this->context->currency, false);
                        $prod_quantity = $product['quantity'];
                        //!End PJC custom individual product variables

                        $customized_datas = Product::getAllCustomizedDatas((int)$order->id_cart);
                        if (isset($customized_datas[$product['id_product']][$product['id_product_attribute']])) {
                            $product_var_tpl['customization'] = array();
                            foreach ($customized_datas[$product['id_product']][$product['id_product_attribute']][$order->id_address_delivery] as $customization) {
                                $customization_text = '';
                                if (isset($customization['datas'][Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD])) {
                                    foreach ($customization['datas'][Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD] as $text) {
                                        $customization_text .= $text['name'].': '.$text['value'].'<br />';

                                if (isset($customization['datas'][Product::CUSTOMIZE_FILE])) {
                                    $customization_text .= sprintf(Tools::displayError('%d image(s)'), count($customization['datas'][Product::CUSTOMIZE_FILE])).'<br />';

                                $customization_quantity = (int)$product['customization_quantity'];

                                $product_var_tpl['customization'][] = array(
                                    'customization_text' => $customization_text,
                                    'customization_quantity' => $customization_quantity,
                                    'quantity' => Tools::displayPrice($customization_quantity * $product_price, $this->context->currency, false)

                        $product_var_tpl_list[] = $product_var_tpl;
                        // Check if is not a virutal product for the displaying of shipping
                        if (!$product['is_virtual']) {
                            $virtual_product &= false;
                    } // end foreach ($products)


{foreach $list as $product}
	<td style="border:1px solid #D6D4D4;">
		<table class="table">
				<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
					<font size="2" face="Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
				<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
	<td style="border:1px solid #D6D4D4;">
		<table class="table">
				<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
					<font size="2" face="Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
				<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
	<td style="border:1px solid #D6D4D4;">
		<table class="table">
				<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
					<font size="2" face="Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
				<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
	<td style="border:1px solid #D6D4D4;">
		<table class="table">
				<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
				<td align="right">
					<font size="2" face="Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
				<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
	<td style="border:1px solid #D6D4D4;">
		<table class="table">
				<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
				<td align="right">
					<font size="2" face="Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
				<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
	<td style="border:1px solid #D6D4D4;">
		<table class="table">
				<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
				<td align="right">
					<font size="2" face="Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
				<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
	{foreach $product['customization'] as $customization}
		<td colspan="2" style="border:1px solid #D6D4D4;">
			<table class="table">
					<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
						<font size="2" face="Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
					<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
		<td style="border:1px solid #D6D4D4;">
			<table class="table">
					<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
					<td align="right">
						<font size="2" face="Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
					<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
		<td style="border:1px solid #D6D4D4;">
			<table class="table">
					<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
					<td align="right">
						<font size="2" face="Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
					<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
		<td style="border:1px solid #D6D4D4;">
			<table class="table">
					<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
					<td align="right">
						<font size="2" face="Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
					<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>


Edited by Paulinoc88 (see edit history)
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