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Mobile: Subcategories not showing in vertical view


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We have been having quite a lot of trouble with a template we purchased. Some errors have been fixed by the maker, but every now and again a new bug pops up. We thought the problem with no subcategories being shown on category's main page had been fixed. However, we just discovered that when a category page is viewed on a mobile phone (at least with iPhone) which is held vertically ("portrait view"), the subcategories are not being displayed. When the phone is turned 90 degrees for horizontal ("landscape") viewing, the subcategories are being displayed again. I guess that this is something in category.tpl which I have included in this post.

It appears that this could be resolved by the block "Category Tree Link". However, this does not show on a mobile device in portrait view. Just the blocks "Best Seller Products" and "Brands"

Any help would be much appreciated!




 * 2007-2019 PrestaShop
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{extends file='catalog/listing/product-list.tpl'}

{block name='product_list_header'}
		<header class="page-header tbpage-header-title-wrapper">
          <h1 class="tbpage-header-title">{$category.name}</h1>
		<div class="block-category card card-block clearfix tb-category-block-wrapper">
			{if $category.image.large.url}
				<div class="tb-category-cover">
					<img src="{$category.image.large.url}" alt="{if !empty($category.image.legend)}{$category.image.legend}{else}{$category.name}{/if}">
			<div class="tb-all-page-main-title-wrapper">
				<div class="tb-all-page-main-title">{$category.name}</div>
			{if $category.description}
				<div id="category-description" class="text-muted">{$category.description nofilter}</div>
		{* <div class="text-sm-center hidden-md-up">
			<h1 class="h1">{$category.name}</h1>
		</div> *}

		{$tb_child_category = Category::getChildren($category['id'], $language.id)}
		{if count($tb_child_category) > 0}
		<div class='tb-category-main-div clearfix'>
			<div class="tb-sub-category-title-wrapper">
				<div class="tb-sub-category-title">{l s='Subcategory' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</div>
			{* {$count_cat = 1} *}
			{foreach $tb_child_category as $category}
				{* {if $count_cat <= 5} *}
				<div class="tb-sub-category-wrapper col-xs-6 col-sm-3 col-md-2 col-lg-2 col-xl-1">
					<div class="tb-category-image">
						<a href="{$link->getCategoryLink($category.id_category, $category.link_rewrite)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$category.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" class="img">              
							{$tmp = {url entity='categoryImage' id=$category.id_category name='category_default'}}
							{if !file_exists({$tmp})}
								<img class="replace-2x" src="{$tmp}" alt="{$category.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"  />
					<div class="tbcategory-name">
						<a class="category-name" href="{$link->getCategoryLink($category.id_category, $category.link_rewrite)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">{$category.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</a>
				{* {/if}
				{$count_cat = $count_cat + 1} *}


Edited by Arjan-C
Additional info (see edit history)
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