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Product Combination is not working


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Hello everyone !

I am having some trouble with one of my products. This product has two combination : "smooth" and "notched"

When i click on the product and land on its page, "notched" is the default combination. The problem is that when i trie to select "smooth", the select input switch back to "notched"
For some reason, when i first click on the product , the url looks like "website.com/en/category/product.html#/106-position-smooth" but the default combination is still "notched". When i select smooth and that it comes back to "notched", the url changes to ".......html/105-position-notched".
Morehover, in the Back-Office, "smooth" is set to the default combination so i don't know why this is happening.

I managed to order a "smooth" version by quickly clicking on the AddToCart button before it switched back to "notched" but that's not what i'd call a fix...

Does anywone know something about this ? 

Thanks a lot !

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