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Shop optimization - images size


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Hi guys,

I am currently on the process of optimizing my shop speed,  lighter pages, better loading times, etc etc... Images subjects seems central... Problem, i cannot practically see what to do with my actual configs:


0/ All my product pages are quite HEAVY (btw 3 and 5Mo). Is that normal ?..................

https://www.sexy-cherry.com/fr/boutique-sexy-cherry/lingerie-sexy/sets-lingerie/3pcs/ensemble-sexy-luna.html  >> 4,1 Mo on GT Metrix

https://www.sexy-cherry.com/fr/boutique-sexy-cherry/instants-croquants/nuits-bodys/bodys/bodysuit-chiara-alchimie.html >> 5.5 Mo

https://www.sexy-cherry.com/fr/boutique-sexy-cherry/lingerie-sexy/sets-lingerie/2pcs/ensemble-sweet-cherry-inaya.html >> 4,7 Mo

I often have lots of variants, is this making pages heavier ?


1/ what images size should i upload as product images to be in the state of arts ? Usually my jpeg product images weight btw 20Ko and 100Ko max, average 40-50ko.

2/ how should i configurate settings below precisely, not to 'use unecessary ressources'  ? My uploaded product images are usually 800*800px  (some few 1200*1200px)



Here my configs : i am not sure these configs make sense, nor these defined sizes have any logic to do with my uploaded images size (800*800). What logics should i follow ? Shouldn't i have to reduce sizes ?


2/ jpeg and png compression parameters : 90 et 7 is that ok ??


3/ option 'generate Hi-resolution image' : for now i have deactivated (i am afraid it could weight on loading times), but i am not sure it is worth or not to activate this option ? 


That's it, i made some searches, but usually, all infos i have is 'green is green and blue is blue' which is not practically helpfull ;)

Thanks in advance for your help !


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