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Log product stock change


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Good afternoon,


I currently use the Product Catalog (CSV, Excel) Import by MyPrestaModules for syncing productstock with the suppliers. For times, there were no problems. Until I started using Channable for order/stock synchonization with Bol.com. Their module looks for product stock changes in the logs of PrestaShop, which in theorie is an okay way to do so. The problem is that the Product Catalog (CSV, Excel) Import module doesn't log any product changes. So when the stock of a product is automatically edited (via Cronjobs) by the module, the stock in Channable, and thereby in Bol.com, doesn't change. 

Is there a way to log product changes with the module? I already contacted the developer, but that was no succes. By for example copy/paste code of the logging by manual product editing, to somewhere in the code of the Product Catalog (CSV, Excel) Import module?


Kind regards,


Alex Bijmolt
Typisch Drenthe

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